Today’s Reason To Drink

Free eggs and pancakes?

So it’s very rare that I’m out on a Monday night past, say, 6 p.m. Mondays are my days to recharge and rest my liver. But last night, I stayed out among many millennials — and now I know what I’m missing: Free food!

I was a judge for the Woodford Reserve Manhattan Experience earlier in the evening, and then I decided to meet up with some out-of-town journalists who were spending their last night in Louisville at the Silver Dollar.

We were talking bourbon in a long booth when the hostess came over and passed out some raffle tickets. Then she said there was a free food buffet available for anyone who was hungry. Free prizes? Free food? What the hell was happening?

Turns out Mondays are industry nights at some bars, so there are all kinds of discounts for those in college and/or in the restaurant industry. I talked to two college dudes who said they’ve been coming to Silver Dollar for months to get the free food, which included salad, scrambled eggs and pancakes.

I actually was slightly hungry, so I grabbed some eggs and a pancake — and it hit the spot.

I think the food and prizes start around 9 or 10. We didn’t win anything, so I guess that means I’ll have to stop by again sometime when I can pry myself off the couch on a Monday night.

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